Welcome to the OFFICIAL home of

Maldon & District Darts League


The MDDL is Maldon's premier Tuesday Night darts league

*** MDDL 2024-25 Winter Season***

Roll of honour has been updated and all league paperwork is now available for the 2024-25 Winter Season.

See the downloads section for full team fixtures and paperwork.

RESULTS FROM WEEK 11 17th December 2024 are now available

RESULTS from Knockout Cup Semi Finals & Consolation Cup 1/4 Finals 7th January now available - Drawsheet updated

Maldon vs Tendring Challenge 2024

Tendring 16 - 14 Maldon

A great day out at Tendring on 24th August - thanks for all that came along either to play or support.

Despite taking the lead after the pairs, Tendring produce some really solid darts to take the overall win.

Lessons have been learnt from this event, future events will start earlier as the late start meant that we had some transport issues!

Full Stats for the match click here


*** New Team - Maldon Constitutional Club - Players Required ***

A new team is being formed playing from Maldon Constitutional Club for the Summer 2025 Season and their Captain Kelvin Willis is looking for players. Kelvin is looking to create an easy entry point to league darts without too much pressure on performance. So if you are the next Luke Littler and want a chance to prove yourself, or someone that just wants a mid-week night out with an extra bit of interest or even someone that used to play and would like to make a return, then why not get in contact with Kelvin on 07706 047342

The team would be starting in division 3 and hopefully will be in a position to start meeting for practice and potentially some friendly games by the end of January.


Rule Focus

A reminder about rule 7 - please make sure you adhere to the rules

7) A chalk board or white board is to be used for scoring.
  • The home team must provide a competent marker. Definition of a competent marker is as follows;-
    • Acts as the referee to the leg being played
    • Must give 100% attention to the leg being played (i.e. not wandering off for food, talking to team mates or using mobile phones etc)
    • Must write each score clearly and subtract it quickly from the remaining total
    • Must try to remain as still as possible whilst players are throwing and only check scores when asked or when the player has finished throwing.
    • Can tell players what they have scored and what they have remaining when asked, but must not tell them which way to finish.
  • Darts must remain in the board until the score has been recorded
  • Darts must be retrieved by the player and not moved by the marker
  • The marker must show both the amount scored and the amount remaining
  • No corrections to the remaining amount can be made once the player has thrown again



Please contact [email protected] if you wish to enter a NEW team


Note to All Teams

Please remember to behave in a respectful and courteous manner towards your oponents and other customers. Try to keep foul language to a minimum and volume levels to an acceptable level. Please remember that we are all here to have fun and enjoy the games, and that we should treat others as we would like to be treated. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding

26th November 2024 - Fielding an inelidgible player Hardy's Bar A -4 - also +2 singles points to Swan United

Parking Tickets - Carpenters Arms

Please be aware when parking around the Carpenters Arms that there are on street parking restrictions and you will likely get a ticket. Advice is to pay the £1 and park in the White Horse Car Park

King's Head Tollesbury

A reminder that the King's Head Tollesbury is a cash only pub, and there is limited access to cash machines in the village. Please make sure you go prepared

Press Club Tiptree - (El Barco)

Is also now cash only


documentation can be found by using the navigation bar on the left of this page

Full rules have been included with your team paperwork and can be accessed by clicking the link on the left hand side of this page

If you are interested in joining the MDDL as a new team, please contact the league secretary using the details held here


Roll of Honour

For full details of results from previous seasons and knockouts visit the 'Roll of Honour' link on the left of this page

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Current Division 1 Singles Champion
Adam Gwilliams
Witham Wanderers

Current Division 2 Singles Champion
James Wright
Queen Victoria

Current Division 3 Singles Champion
Asa Cansdale Jr
Cross Keys